We left off with Phillip spotting a Grey Alien in his room before blacking out. I forgot to mention Phillip said it was one of the taller Greys. He thought it was about 6 feet tall. This was actually the third incident in a set of three that happened to Phillip when he was 16 over a period of about one week.
The first of the three incidents was when Phlllip was awakened in the middle of the night by two very bright, white lights shining outside his bedroom window. He came to full wakefulness as he stared at them, fascinated by them, trying to figure out what they were since this side of the house faced out into heavily-wooded wilderness with no roads or houses. They were just hovering about 30 feet in the air. As he stared at them, he suddenly blacked out.
Then the second incident happened a few nights later. While Phillip was sleeping in his bed, he awoke to a “scrabbling” sound. He assumed it was one of the cats, so he reached a hand down to pet the cat. He was then shocked to feel a cold hand grab his arm. He felt an adrenaline rush of terror, but still he immediately blacked out.
It was only a few days later that Phillip saw the tall Grey Alien in his bedroom.