Episode 2 – Death notices from beyond

Episode 2 – Death notices from beyond

Stephen’s parents, Geoffrey and Irene Shaw, immigrated to Southern California from Northern England and had all three of their children in the U.S.

During Stephen’s childhood, his mother, Irene, continued the family tradition of automatic writing. She was taught how to do it by her mother and her aunt back in Northern England, and they had been taught by their mother, Irene’s grandmother.

Irene would get an overpowering feeling and she would be compelled to sit down with pen and paper, and a message would flow through her hand without her controlling what was being written. She would be contacted by the family spirit guide; a being called Ole Glegley.

Stephen saw her doing the automatic writing a few times, and it always seemed like she went into a trance, like she became someone else.

Stephen remembers one important incident when he was nine years old. His mother came to pick him up from school and she was crying grief-stricken tears.

He asked, “Mommy, what’s wrong?”
She replied, “My mother’s just died.”

A bit later he asked how she had heard, and she said she learned of the death from automatic writing. Ole Glegley told her via automatic writing that her mother, who lived in Northern England, had just died.

It was a couple of days later when official word of the death reached them from England.
This entity, Ole Glegley, has been giving messages to the family for at least three generations.
We’ve come to believe he is really a Grey Alien, that has been both preying on and protecting the family for many generations.

Stephen’s grandmother who had just passed away, was a particularly gifted automatic writer, who could actually do the writing in multiple languages, one of which she didn’t know at all.


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