
These are podcasts we’ve been on recently

Kimberly Cloud Podcast

We were guests on the Kimberly Cloud Podcast. She had a last minute opening so we jumped in and grabbed it. We are always ready to chat about the UFO, UAP and alien subject. This was not a regular subject for Kimberly Cloud and she is not a UFO expert like some of the hosts we’ve spoken with. So, she was a bit shocked by some of Stephen’s alien abduction stories. It was refreshing to have a non-expert asking questions, more like persons of the general public might ask.


Behind the Veil

We were guests on the “Behind the Veil” podcast with host Mike Hughes. He is a great host and we had a very stimulating conversation about our theories about WHO is flying the UFOs in our skies. We talked about nanodiamonds proving that there was a celestial impact 13,000 years ago and it was likely to be the cause of The Great Flood and our belief that this cataclysm separated the human race into two groups, those who escaped the destruction and kept their knowledge and technology and those of us left on the surface who were almost completely wiped out.


Chasing Prophecy

We were guests on Chasing Prophecy with Jennie Nicassio and Tom our of New Orleans. We focused on Stephen and his family’s alien abduction experiences which fit well with the spooky theme of the podcast. We believe the alien abduction phenomenon is a real life horror story, especially since we believe the aliens are taking people and sometimes not returning them. The thought of our missing persons dying on metal tables, surrounded by alien faces while unable to move is worthy of a horror film.


Vestiges after Dark

We were guests on “Vestiges after Dark” with host Bryan D. Ouellette, who referred to us as “passionate ufologists with a wealth of knowledge in the field.” We had a great discussion spanning ancient history, human evolution, UFO pilots, cattle mutilations, alien abduction and their hybrid breeding program.


Ouch…Was That a Ghost? Podcast

We were guests on the “Ouch…Was That a Ghost?” podcast with host LIss. Her co-host Mike was unavailable at the time. She bought and read our book before the podcast and she said prior to reading it she didn’t know much about the UFO phenomenon, but she learned a lot from our book and really enjoyed it. We hear this a lot, that the book is well researched and very informative. We were only her second UFO podcast, she covered the Kecksburg incident where a bell-shaped UFO was seen by a lot of people until the government collected it and disappeared it.


Where the Weird Ones Are

We were guests on “Where the Weird Ones Are” with host Kevin Sapiel Jr. he was a terrific host with great questions. I feel like we did well on the show articulating our theories about UFOS and the motivations of the beings who are flying them.


It’s Not You, It’s Me Podcast

Laura Giles had us as guests on her “It’s Not You, It’s Me” podcast. Laura was more interested in our personal paranormal experiences and we love talking about those. Stephen spoke at length about his family’s alien abduction experiences and we talked about our UFO sightings. Stephen has seen 5 and I have seen 2.


Paranormal Misfits Podcast

We had a great interview on the Paranormal Misfits Podcast. Host Chrissy also invited another podcast Paranormal Lovers Felicia and Ian to join us.


Alien Talk Podcast

We were guests on the Alien Talk Podcast and had a great conversation about our theories on WHO are flying the UFOs in our airspace and what they want from us.


Conspire A Theory

We were guests with Chris Holm on Conspire a Theory at 1 p.m. today and he’s already posted the interview. See the link in our highlights. We had a great conversation about our UFO and alien theories. Chris was more interested in our theories than in our personal experiences so this podcast is more about WHO we think are flying the UFOs in our airspace and what their motivations are.


Sirens of the Supernatural

We were guests on the Sirens of the Supernatural podcast last Friday and the episode is going to drop tomorrow evening (April 5). Mother and daughter team Rhonda and Lindsey did a great interview, and their cousin Jody is the show’s producer.


Bizarre Encounters

We were guests on the Bizarre Encounters podcast with host Shaun Jones. It was such a pleasure to talk with such a knowledgeable host.


Inquires of our Reality

We were guests on the Inquires of our Reality. We had a great discussion with host Shaun Jones and his cohost Orin.


Crazy Rich Neighbors

We joined Tiffany and Mia on their Crazy Rich Neighbors podcast from South Florida. We had so much fun with these lovely ladies. They were so gracious and they truly enjoyed listening to our scary experiences.


UFO Encounters with Jim Harold

UFO Encounters with Jim Harold welcomed us as guests. It was such a great honor to talk with the famous radio host and personality.


Induced Fear

We were recently guests on the Induced Fear Podcast entitled UFO Sightings, Bloodline Abductions, & Alien Hybrids with Leslie and Stephen Shaw.


Real Life Sci-Fi

We were guests on the Real Life Sci-Fi Podcast with Wade and Willy. It was an interesting format, Wade is the skeptic and Willy is the believer. It makes for a stimulating conversation, where we had to defend our theories.



Our talk on ParaPeculiar Podcast with host Damien was very engaging! He asked a lot of questions and really challenged our assertions. It was good to be challenged and we feel our theories held up well. On his post, Damien said, “We talked for a little over two hours about everything from UFOS, alien abductions, ghosts and even got to talk about civilizations living inside the Earth.”


Galactic Heartbeats

We did a nice show with Galactic Heartbeats with Bright Star and Dr. Raediant, a Joshua Tree-based podcast. They bought our book at Space Cowboy Books in Joshua Tree from our friend and fellow author Jean-Paul L. Garnier, so they were very familiar with our theories.


I Came With Fire Podcast


Mind Escape


The Rabbit Hole

We were guests on The Rabbit Hole podcast with Dani Mercy. She had us on as guests for her second anniversary show. She normally doesn’t have guests but she started with us. We are so honored to participate in this milestone episode.


The Sabbath At Midnight Podcast

The Sabbath At Midnight Podcast With host Domenic Leonel and Lionel Tavares, with their background in Clinical Psychology/School of Divinity, Writer (book coming) and podcasters.
Our hosts were very curious and wanted to know everything so we talked a little bit about everything including the Anunnaki, the brown dwarf Nibiru, circles, the alien abduction phenomenon, their bizarre breeding program and underground bases.


We’re All Psychic

We had a great conversation with Lisa and Misty on the We’re All Psychic podcast. I think they were sincerely impressed with our theories and we had a terrific conversation. We focused a lot on Stephen’s very psychic family and how we believe the aliens abducting people use psychic abilities as one of their criteria of selecting the families they prey upon. We highly recommend them as hosts; they were wonderful.


Let’s Get Freaky

We spoke with Tommy Cullum on his “Lets Get Freaky!” podcast.


The Bump Podcast

We joined The Bump Podcast with host Bo Kennedy. Bo did a terrific interview and we were good too, if I do say so. We discussed our book “Who They Are: And What They’re Up To” about WHO is flying the UFOS in our skies, our ufo sightings, and Stephen and his family’s alien abduction experiences.


The Witching Hours

We were on the Witching Hours Podcast –It was hosted by the Giant of the Frost Jeremy and Jenny. They were terrific hosts and we had a great talk about the alien abduction phenomenon.



Grimerica Podcast

We were guests on the Grimerica Podcast in mid December with host Graham Dunlop. Graham is a great host. We talked about our UFO sightings and Stephen’s family and their alien abductions. Then we were able to discuss our theories about UFOs, aliens and what is really going on.


Let’s Find Out

We appeared on the “Let’s Find Out” podcast with host Diego Raf. We discussed our UFO sightings, Stephen’s abduction experiences and those of his family and our theories about WHO are flying the UFOs in our airspace and what their motivations are.


AstroBen Podcast

We were guests on the AstroBen Podcast with host Ben Gamble.
We had a great discussion about our book, “Who They Are: And What They’re Up To.”


Paranormally Crytid Podcast

We had a great conversation today with podcaster Cody Polos of Paranormally Cryptid Podcast. We discussed our book “Who They Are: And What They’re Up To” by Leslie and Stephen Shaw. We talked about our UFO sightings, Stephen’s abduction experiences and our theories about WHO is flying the UFOs in our skies.


Alien Strand Podcast

We were guests on the Alien Strand Podcast with host Donald Ledesma. This was one of the best shows we’ve done. The host is terrific and has been doing this for five years. We discussed a lot of the concepts in our book and related a lot of our personal UFO sightings and Stephen’s family’s abduction incidents. Then we starting talking about our theories as to WHO is flying the UFOs in our skies and what they’re after.


Mysterious Radio

Our Mysterious Radio podcast with K-Town has been posted. She was a terrific host and we are proud of the interview. Enjoy friends. We talked about our book “Who They Are: And What They’re Up To” and talked about our theories as to WHO are flying the UFOs in our skies and what are their motivations.

Link: https://www.podplay.com/podcasts/mysterious-radio-paranormal-ufo-lore-interviews-6345/episodes/ufos-and-uaps-who-they-are-and-what-theyre-up-to-238526124


Tinfoil Tales

Our latest podcast with host Brandon.

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What If They’re Wrong

We were guests on the “What If They’re Wrong” podcast hosted by Jeremiah Dorph with whom we discussed our UFO book “Who They Are: And What They Are Up To.”

We had a great, like-minded conversation about our theories on alien abduction and the UFO phenomenon and the connection to ancient megalithic architecture and the Great Flood. Our book has four chapters on the Great Flood and the Hiawatha asteroid impact that caused it.
Jeremiah has actually traveled to Peru twice and met with Jason Martell. We are super jealous.
For more information, visit our website at whotheyarebook.com.


UFO Chronicals Podcast

We are guests on The UFO Chronicles Podcast with Nik Hunter.

Listen to “Ep.248 Who They Are And What They’re Up To” on Spreaker.