Leslie and Stephen Shaw are the hosts of Abductions 101: UFOs and the Paranormal Connection and are Southern California natives and self-described “armchair ufologists” with decades of study in the UFO phenomenon. Both are witnesses to UFO sightings, with Stephen’s psychic family experiencing multi-generational alien abductions.
They are host a show on the Gnostic TV Network, Abductions 101: UFOs and the Paranormal Connection, exploring links between alien abductions and paranormal phenomena like hauntings, cryptid sightings, poltergeists, and ESP.
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This extraterrestrial documentary explores the alien phenomena. UFOs. Millions of witnesses have seen them, thousands have been taken by them and hundreds of documentaries and books describe them. But this documentary delves into the hardest question concerning them, WHO is flying them? Where they coming from? And more importantly, WHY ARE THE HERE?
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Here is a glimpse inside the book…
This preview includes the Preface, Chapter 2 and 3.
Millions of witnesses have seen them,
thousands have been taken by them
and hundreds of books describe them,
but here for the first time there is a book that delves
into the hardest questions concerning them.
WHO are flying them,
WHERE are they coming from and the all important whys;
WHY are they here, WHY are they seen so often,
WHY are they preying on our people and our livestock
and WHY is our government in league with them?
This book addresses these questions
and explores the motivation for their agenda
and their bizarre breeding program.
Utilizing decades of research and study in ancient history,
ufology, human evolution and even Tibetan Buddhism,
Leslie and Stephen Shaw have woven together a fact-driven,
eye-opening and intriguing account of mankind’s true history
and attempt to answer all of the most important questions about UFOs.
This book answers the questions of who is flying them,
where are they hiding, where do they come from,
what do they want, why are they abducting people,
why are they slaughtering our livestock
and why do they have a human/hybrid breeding program?
This book deals with seemingly perplexing questions such as…
Did giants really exist?
Were the Anunnaki involved in our evolution?
Why does the human race have no idea as to our origins?
Did the Great Flood really happen?
At least 10,000 UFO sightings are reported each year.
Why are they visiting us so often?
This compelling book delves into these
and many other problematic issues.
It will shine some light upon what is likely
mankind’s true history, both past and present.