Episode 2 – More ghost helper than hunter

Episode 2 – More ghost helper than hunter

In our last episode, Karen took up the family tradition of automatic writing; practiced by her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. We’ve described the gift in “Stephen’s Just Plain Weird” series Episode 2: “Death notices from beyond.”

Karen has been using the technique for a few months, “It comes SO easy now and is such an incredible way to speak to them (spirits).”

If I had to describe Karen in a single word, I would say “worthy.” She’s all things good, sweet and worthy. It makes perfect sense to me that her motivations for ghost hunting are to help the spirits move on.

Karen explained how she first started, “My mum and grandmother were always heavily into the paranormal so it seems to have transferred to me as well. When I was young I dabbled with the Ouija Board which seemed to come easily to me. I thought of it as a game; just asking questions and getting answers. Being young, I didn’t completely understand what I was doing back then. Now, I’m sure using the board opened up doors to the spirit world that I didn’t close properly.”

Stephen tried automatic writing himself and had some small success. He said he just had to relax his mind, put himself in a trance and then “let himself feel the feeling,” like he had to welcome the contact in, and though Stephen is left handed, he always felt compelled to write with his right hand. Most of the time he would close his eyes and feel something move his hand.

The whole thing started to feel “creepy” to him and he gave it up.

In her teens Karen tried to close those doors, “Once things started to happen to Stephen and Phillip, I completely closed off to it. Somehow something in me (or possibly my guardian angel or spirit guide) didn’t want me open to the UFO side of things.”

Karen wants to integrate automatic writing into her ghost hunting, “I’m going to keep practicing and hopefully soon I’ll let go a bit more and trust the process. It’s definitely weird, but it’s getting easier each time. Hopefully it will be helpful when we go to locations, we’ll be able to get more info from the spirits there.”

Karen and Jonathan are on FB, Instagram @ghostlylocations


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