Episode 1 – Karen begins automatic writing

Episode 1 – Karen begins automatic writing

We continue our family’s strange paranormal stories in our new series “Hearing the Other Side.”

Karen Sinclair is Stephen’s younger sister and only remaining immediate family member. She moved from California to Northern England, married Jonathan Sinclair and they both became ghost hunters. Find them on Facebook and Instagram @ghostlylocations.

We’ve mentioned how psychic Stephen’s family is, and Karen is no exception.

We asked her to write about her automatic writing and ghost hunting activities.

Karen, “We always watch different paranormal shows, and one had this woman who did automatic writing to communicate with the spirits.

I knew my mom and my grandmother used to do it, and always thought what an amazing gift to have. They were able to help so many spirits because they could get their stories told.

I love helping spirits and always do my best to tell their stories and help them move on. But it’s not always easy to hear what they want to tell us.

I tried to automatic write a few times, but would always get a headache and the pen would hardly move. I just couldn’t do it.

A couple of years went by and we kept doing our investigations, and yes they were good and yes we had some amazing activity; but I always felt there was something missing. I wanted to do more to understand what the spirits needed. And over the last few months I have been praying and talking to my mom and my spirit guide and guardian angel; talking to them about wanting to help those spirits in need and how much it means to me.

I also have an app on my phone the spirits use, and a word kept coming through saying “PEN,” and I knew my mom was pushing me to try it again. I finally gave in and shockingly the pen started to move much easier than it ever did before.

And when I was talking to my mom she said the angels left me a gift, they opened that side of me up to communicate through automatic writing!”


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